Saturday, June 26, 2010

Update on Ministry

Yes...Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for asking and for praying! Yes the money finally did trickle in so that we were able to get a paycheck for last week...about 5 days late. We did not get paid yesterday and we do not foresee getting paid next week or being able to pay our health insurance. It is all very frustrating! Wish I knew what GOd was up to. I want to have faith like Mueller and the Bible says that it is a small as a mustard seed which only makes me feel more discouraged...a mustard seed is VERY small and apparently I do not even have that much ??? :/ Please keep us in your prayers! I am not in this place of dispare...well hardly ever!

On a better note....Lindsey's did get enough money from her babysitting to pay for AMTC! We are very excited about going!!!! I am so grateful to get to spend this week with her and watch her do what God has blessed her to do!

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