Friday, August 8, 2008

Pitt/Jolie Twins

OK .....Admit it........How many of you have looked at the new pictures on the cover of People at every magazine rack in the country?? I found myself looking at the babies and the happy couple more than a few times this week as I was in different stores. Am I drawn to them because they are celebrities?....because they have a larger family and seem to embrace the idea of more? because they are beautiful people?? I started to ponder all of it today and while I am always intrigued by large families and adoption I have to remember how this union started. We are looking adoringly at unwed parents who got their start in adultery! Boy doesn't the enemy make it all look so sweet and innocent!

That is usually the case.....if we really saw the ugliness and wreckage of sin, no one would ever be apart of it, so the enemy is really good at making it all seem so innocent! Remember to take the opportunity to teach your children that sin always has a price! Love those Babies!!

1 comment:

Kasey Baxter said...

I just love that you and Lindsey are blogging. I check in daily to see what tid-bits I can use in my daily Super Mom routine.

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