Saturday, September 5, 2009

Casting the net!

My man has had so many opportunities to share the Gospel in the past few weeks. Last week he share twice with football teams and 6 players came to know Christ. Friday he spoke at a public middle school and 24 kids prayed to receive the Lord. Tonight he presented the gospel on the 50 yard line and 5 football players and a coach gave their hearts to Jesus!! Casting the net...that is what He calls us to do!!!! He does the calling we do the sharing!


Brittany said...

Praise the Lord!

Gwynie Pie said...

WOW !!! That is exciting! Praise God for gifting your husband in such a way. And I'm thanking the Lord for compelling your husband to speak it out. So cool!

Gwyn Rosser
@The Pink Tractor

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