Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Want and Need

I have been sooooo busy the past few weeks! have not been a very good blogger. My husband and I have a 501c3 nonprofit ministry and we have been crazy busy trying to get everything ready for taxes and statements...UUUGGG.... definitely the part about the ministry that I do not like!!! I am praying that the Lord will bless us to the point that we can hire someone wonderful in to do all that stuff!!! :) We still are not finished but it is coming together!!

We had some friends over for the Superbowl the other night and we had a wonderful time! One of the ladies said...."I don't know how you do all this in such a small need a bigger place" She is really sweet and a great friend...but her comment was one that many have said or thought. There are 7 of us in a relatively small home....1400 square feet....would I like to have a bigger place...YES am I satisfied where I am...YES. Do I "need" a bigger place..NO. We have so blurred the lines between what we need and what we want. The Lord promised to take care of our needs...and He certainly has done that and abundantly!! He also gives us our wants and desires. But we should understand the difference. We should teach this to our children.

Kids are growing up with such a sense of entitlement. They do not understand the difference and who can really blame them...most of their parents do not know the difference either. We need to get a hold of this idea. Given the economical times we are would be very easy to become bitter and dissatisfied if we perceive that our "needs" are not being met when in reality most of those things are our"wants" Love those babies!

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