I can't stand boring snacks! I like for mine and my children's snacks to be good but to also provide energy and good nutrition. Do not feed your kids cookies...pop tarts....Little Debby's and think you are giving them a good snack. Anyway...not all of my kids like this snack but I love it and eat it for snack or for breakfast regularly.

First combine 1/2 of a scoop of whey protein...I buy the Jillian brand from WalMart for $10.00....and about 1/2 cup of vanilla yogurt. YOu could use plain or whatever flavor you like here. I keep a large container of vanilla on hand to use in all sorts of things I bake.

Then I cut up whatever fruit I have or want but my favorite in this is strawberries and dried cranberries.

Then add the All Bran "Bran Buds" I do not like the regular kind.....but I love these little things! I love it ........creamy, crunchy,sweet and good protein and fiber...what more could you ask????
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