God is moving and so much as Eric speaks! We are so amazed, honored, overwhelmed, excited(I could go on and on with the adjectives) that the Lord has chosen to use us! Many doors are still being opened for Eric to speak and share...especially in public schools...crazy!!!!.....but we have to feed our family! For those of you who do not know me personally.....we have not overextended ourselves financially.....we live in a small home....especially for 7 people....drive "paid for" need repair cars....we are thrifty.....not poor.....just really thrifty!!! We have tried to be in a place financially that would allow us to serve without that burden. And still we do have to have money.
Eric is looking at the possibility of moving into a bi-vocational position......which is fine....he is an amazingly hard worker....but it also means going part time in ministry work! So here are my struggles in no specific order :) ....................Which ministry opportunities do we cut? If God is opening these doors(and we believe that He is) why isn't He supplying for the finances? Are we missing Him somewhere? Is He trying to grow our faith? How much more do we need? Should I get a job?...that is a paying job :) Why can't a wealthy business man just underwrite the whole ministry??? Now that would be an easy fix!! That usually isn't how the Lord works....now we are back t the growing our faith question?? :)
You know...I really do not think it is a faith issue...it is a "knowing" issue. I'll explain...If miraculously....Jesus could come for dinner tonight,,,you know in person....and we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt..."You are right where I want you! Trust me! When you need it it will be there...and not a moment before you need it" I really could walk there! We have been walking there! I can wait expectantly to see how He will provide for every need. It is that nagging doubt......"Does He want us to do something different" "Something more" "Is there a different way????"
This is where I struggle! Does this make me weak in the faith? Feels like it! Does it mean we are growing? Maybe. So I am asking my blog friends to pray for us! Pray for wisdom!!!
Hey blog friend :) I will certainly pray for you and your husband. Wow !! Hard stuff. But you just may be on the edge of the LORD doing a "new thing" in your lives. That is exciting! The LORD never leaves us hangin' -- I do know that :) I am so excited about your husband's speaking opportunities. Sounds like revival is breaking out.
I'm going to be excited to see how the LORD works this all out for y'all.
Gwyn Rosser
The Pink Tractor
Hi Michele~ I'm praising God for all He is doing through your family and ministry!
My husband and I can relate to your questions - we are asking much of the same ones ourselves as we wait on the Lord for a job and/or different directional instructions. I will be praying for these specific questions for you as I seek the answers for us as well.
Many times I've asked the Lord what He wants us to do/be in this process and He continues to tell us to "Trust ME".
I pray that HE gives you wisdom, answers to the questions you need answers to, provision for every need, and the ability to trust Him with great peace and joy through the process.
May our Lord bless and continue to shine thorugh you, my friend...
I will pray!
God is so faithful!
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